Bell Schedule
7:00 AM - Student Drop Off Begins
- Parents are allowed to drop off students at 7:00 AM to help alleviate traffic.
- Students MUST enter the building and head straight to the cafeteria until the 7:20AM bell rings.
7:20 AM - First Bell
- Car Drop off begins at the front of the school, and buses unload students at the rear of the school.
7:00-8:00 AM - Breakfast in Cafeteria
- Students dropped off early may eat breakfast upon arrival.
7:45 AM - Tardy Bell
- Parents must sign students arriving after 7:45 AM at the front office.
- Please be familiar with the BOE policy regarding tardies.
10:30-1:00 - Lunch
- Please discuss your student's lunchtime with their homeroom teacher.
2:30 PM - Dismissal